art, personal, pregnancy

Birth Affirmation Coloring Pages

The house is dark and I should be asleep. I've been frozen with anxiety for a few hours now. I have a million things to do and I am unable to do any. I reached out to friends and shared in some conversation/distraction and then I did a quick search online for some birth affirmations. The affirmations are polished, printable, and static. I need something more interactive so my search takes me to coloring pages. These new search results cause more discomfort. Many of the images are blunt and, while meaningful, detailed. I need words. I need to focus on the letters, the phrases, the meditation of it. 

art, babywearing, crafty

Creative Momma

As a creative person by nature I just love making all kinds of things. Discovering all the fun things that I can make for my son has been an awesome epiphany and has allowed me to explore new materials to create with. My comfort zone is paint and pixels but this past week I began… Continue reading Creative Momma

art, crafty

Creative Collective

  For the past 6 months  I have participated in 3 crafty swap exchanges with babywearing parents in my area. Every three months we are assigned a new 'secret partner' who we internet stalk, spend some time to make them something we think they will like, wrap it up, get together either close or from… Continue reading Creative Collective

art, baby, life, personal

Bruno’s Helmet

I've never been so worried about messing up a project as I was with this one. But guess what? It turned out okay! So honored to do this custom painting for my friend and her son Bruno. Big brother and Dad also got in on the design which makes this extra special. With just one night to… Continue reading Bruno’s Helmet

art, life, photography

When the Moon Hits your Eye

When I decide to flex my photography muscles it's almost always with portraits or products. Lately though I've been inspired by my brother who takes incredible night sky photos using his telescope and some hefty equipment and software. I don't have anything fancy to help capture the stars but when I looked out my front… Continue reading When the Moon Hits your Eye