Creative DIY, parenting

Mom’s Toolkit DIY: Emotion Cards

Among my mom friends we often find ourselves uttering the phrase "little people with big emotions". It seems to be not only a term of solidarity but a gentle reminder that the tantrums we find ourselves navigating with our little ones are the result of a barrier in communication. Imagining yourself in a world where not only do you not know what you are feeling but you also can't tell anyone what you are feeling or ask for help. Those strong emotions ultimately manifest in physical actions, and then we as parents get frustrated because those actions are almost always undesired behaviors. So what can we do?

parenting, personal


I sat on the floor and I cried. My two year old hugged me an patted me on the cheek. He did this mere moments after throwing his plate on the floor screaming "NO" and yelling at the top of his lungs.  I cried because I was failing him. I cried because he deserves patience and empathy and understanding and I had significantly less than he demanded of me that day. 


Luluna Slings Coral of Vine Traveller

Very recently I played host to the Luluna Fusion Coral of Vine that is currently travelling around North Texas. I love hosting wraps and this was my first experience with Luluna Slings.  I was impressed with the soft floppiness of the wrap as soon as it was placed in my arms. For a wrap that was rumoured to need some breaking in, it felt as if it had held a magical number of babes even before it was our turn. Seven days to wear and discover seemed


Let’s Try: Flipless HJBC (Half Jordan’s Back Carry)

As my son grows older and more independent, my babywearing days grown shorter. Nothing saddens me more than the realization that these days will soon come to an end. My passion for babywearing has not slowed down with the need but rather increased. My stash has grown, my friendships in the babywearing community have grown,… Continue reading Let’s Try: Flipless HJBC (Half Jordan’s Back Carry)

babywearing, parenting, personal

Tips for Sending your Carrier Travelling

The day has arrived, a new carrier was delivered; it’s fluff mail! Excitedly you open your package and remark at the beauty of your new carrier. This wonderful and beautiful tool that will help you and your baby achieve and bond. You pour over the directions and care instructions and possibly give your carrier (wrap) a wash, an iron, and give it spin....

art, babywearing, crafty

Creative Momma

As a creative person by nature I just love making all kinds of things. Discovering all the fun things that I can make for my son has been an awesome epiphany and has allowed me to explore new materials to create with. My comfort zone is paint and pixels but this past week I began… Continue reading Creative Momma

Creative DIY, parenting

Pintrest Mom – Tools for Tantrums

As my sweet, happy, little man is growing and learning so very much every day he has become the epitome of a little guy with big emotions. We experienced our first full on tantrum recently stemming from frustration. Two things occurred to me as I sat with my screaming son - identifying his emotions verbally… Continue reading Pintrest Mom – Tools for Tantrums

life, Lifestyle, review

Summer Poolside with SwimZip Sunnies (Initial Review)

Texas summer is no joke. We spend most of the time in reverse hibernation with the blinds closed and the curtains drawn. When we do get out we are starting to find ourselves poolside. In addition to our sunscreen from back home, our big floppy hat, our caters swim top and our swim diaper from… Continue reading Summer Poolside with SwimZip Sunnies (Initial Review)