Creative DIY, parenting

Mom’s Toolkit DIY: Emotion Cards

Among my mom friends we often find ourselves uttering the phrase "little people with big emotions". It seems to be not only a term of solidarity but a gentle reminder that the tantrums we find ourselves navigating with our little ones are the result of a barrier in communication. Imagining yourself in a world where not only do you not know what you are feeling but you also can't tell anyone what you are feeling or ask for help. Those strong emotions ultimately manifest in physical actions, and then we as parents get frustrated because those actions are almost always undesired behaviors. So what can we do?

Creative DIY, parenting

Pintrest Mom – Tools for Tantrums

As my sweet, happy, little man is growing and learning so very much every day he has become the epitome of a little guy with big emotions. We experienced our first full on tantrum recently stemming from frustration. Two things occurred to me as I sat with my screaming son - identifying his emotions verbally… Continue reading Pintrest Mom – Tools for Tantrums

crafty, Creative DIY, house, life, parenting, personal, pregnancy

Nursery Progress

One of my favourite things about this pregnancy has been the slow decoration of the kid's room. Because of getting pregnant only a couple of months after moving into the house, it has been the only room in the house to receive a creative touch... so far. The ability to work on this room slowly, over time and evolve… Continue reading Nursery Progress

crafty, Creative DIY, house, life

Fall Wreath – Quick and Easy

I knew I needed a wreath for the door. Something wasn't balanced after placing my mums by the columns last week. I knew that I had some fall-coloured fake plants in one of my craft bins but I didn't know whether or not the grapevine wreath that I picked up or the burlap ribbon I… Continue reading Fall Wreath – Quick and Easy